Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My inspired quotes!!!

The Quote by Thomas Jefferson.
This quote by Thomas Jefferson “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude”. The reason why I chose this quote is because it means that a man with a good attitude can achieve anything you set your mind to, but the man with the wrong attitude nothing can help you. For example having a great attitude, trying your best, and never giving up. It can open so many goals for you, or help you in later life. Being open up and having a great attitude to everyone can help you, make the people around you happy. If you have a mean, grumpy, always having a bad attitude. That will defiantly not get you better in life. People wont help you, try to make your goal. You can do so many things, but having a bad attitude can change your hole prospective.

The reason why I chose this quote is because my dad always used these kind of terms. When I would try my hardest or do something wrong. My dad used some quotes to teach me about what is going to do in late life. Hearing some quotes from my dad thought me things to stop and think about. This quote inspired me because I try my hardest and always have a great attitude. This quote is so true in so many ways because its right. Its right because if you try and always have a great attitude it helps you in so many ways, you get treated better than acting mean. If your always mean, and have bad attitude than you don’t get help from people, and you wont get your goal achieved.

"We do not so much need the help of our friends as the confidence of their help is need." ~ Epicurus

This quote means so much in so many ways. This quote means that you don’t need your friend there all the time. Our friends are there always, they have your back. Its just that you don’t need them to help you with everything, but you do need them for confidence or advice. Every friend gives you confidence, tells you everything, and always there. Some moments you don’t need them there because you either want to do it your self. Some you want to learn by yourself. The most thing you do need like the quote says is that you need there confidence or advice.

I chose this quote because it relates to me. The quote means so much to me because of my friends. My friends take over my life sometimes or be controlling. They do ask my questions for me or do things I want to do. I really don’t need there help on a lot of things. I do though need there confidence or advice because I sometimes don’t know what to do or make a right decision.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

10 things I reccomend to go!!!

1.) medieval times. Medieval Times is unbelievable, the sound of the blades scraping against each other. The food takes your hunger away. The thrill of the horses and night makes you jump out of your seat. Now this is a place were the thrill will stay in you.
2.) Now if you have a hunger for food then Richies Dinner is the best of the best place to go. Now this isnt no originall restrant or dinner. This is better than Applebe's or CoCo's. The minute you walk into the door, you are taken by the delishious smell or the food, the happenies or the menu, your desire of deserts showing on the rotating menu. This is no ordinary restrant this is heven benith the clouds.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Friend Brian!!!

Today in Summer school we could talk about what ever we want to discuss. I think i want to discuss about my friend Brian because he always and I think I need to show my appreciation. Well i have many things I can say about Brian, but I' m going to talk about the most interesting things, funniest, and memorable. I remember just like yesterday meeting Brian at school. It all started from my friend Matt Lemus at school. Matt had walked up to me with Brian and I had say- ed a funny joke. Brian replied " Heheheheh Your funny, hey I' m Brian!!!" I said " Hey Kody What up?" Since that day we have been best friends and has shared many things and done many things together. I lave having a friend that I can tell anything to, trust me, and who has my back. Brian is like that kind of person, no matter what he always there for me. He knows if I want to talk if I have something on my mind. Brian has told me many times he has my back, and I'll never for get him.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

About Richard Matheson

His novel Today in class on July 1 2009. We had to look up an author Richard Matheson all about his interesting life. Richard Matheson started in the military and was in World War 2. In 1959 he earned his bachelor's degree on journalism. He was in some movies like The x files. I think that the interesting is that Richard is that he was in the Twilight Zone because I' ve known about the twilight zone for several years. Richard inspired Stephen King by el Cell.