Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Friend Brian!!!

Today in Summer school we could talk about what ever we want to discuss. I think i want to discuss about my friend Brian because he always and I think I need to show my appreciation. Well i have many things I can say about Brian, but I' m going to talk about the most interesting things, funniest, and memorable. I remember just like yesterday meeting Brian at school. It all started from my friend Matt Lemus at school. Matt had walked up to me with Brian and I had say- ed a funny joke. Brian replied " Heheheheh Your funny, hey I' m Brian!!!" I said " Hey Kody What up?" Since that day we have been best friends and has shared many things and done many things together. I lave having a friend that I can tell anything to, trust me, and who has my back. Brian is like that kind of person, no matter what he always there for me. He knows if I want to talk if I have something on my mind. Brian has told me many times he has my back, and I'll never for get him.

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