Thursday, June 18, 2009

About the classroom today!!!

Well today in class was very interesting. We shared about this poem that's is very strong, because this poem is describing of how this boy or girl keeps making a mistake, but then finally fixes it. We have these sticky notes that we putt our thoughts about the poemCheck Spelling or story. When you think about the story or poem you realize that there's many things that you knowledge that you don't relay think about. I was reading this poem about this far guy who people made fun of, well it turn es out that hes running up this hill for a cancer charity. When i found out that it changed the way I think about fat people because you know I don't know if there just lazy, that they care about others or themselves to lose weight or to help. So you know learning about new things may change your personality or thoughts, so be careful and think before you act.

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