Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My advice about young ladies and men...

Well this topic is from class today of summer school of what I'm going to talk about. I personally think that Young men should respect girls, be outgoing, funny, being courteous. Men should also make sure that they focuses on there family and there Carrier. I also believe that men should be decently buff and nice. About the girls i strongly believe that girls should be outgoing, very nice, dress beautiful and be some- what with there guys. I understand that girls should have there privacy and have there time with there girl friends. As for young guys and girls, I believe that they overall should be respectful and equal.


  1. hey kody whats up buddy hhha umm ya we need to hang out ya and og dirt bike riding ok ugl nice lil blogger thing

  2. ya and well we have te house but we have to do alot of work to do and ya so in 2 weeks swim party and ya you are the bestest buddy your my best guy friend eva yaaa luv you koddy ody =)
