Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Reflect About What We Did Today Outside In Summer School!!!

Today in class we had a project were we had to go outside for about 20min. We had to think about a poem about anything at least 15 lines. I wrote about my Uncle charlie. Sitting on the bench thinking about the title, but looking around at everyone. Seeing the other kids with there mind into there note book. When after doing my poem you can her the birds cheep, the tress whooshing from the wind, and your mind just going blankly to think about what your writing about. After finishing the poem, I sat for about 5 min just thinking about how life has this course and how things happen for a reson. You know Uncle Charlie was my brother, he was just a friend that I have never had before. When losing my uncle it was like I had no life or well no friends. So I wrote this poem about him and I hope you like it?

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